Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day two - ten months before apocalypse

Today is 21/2/12. In ten months, shit will go down. Zombies will arise. Me, max and amy have decided that when the Apocalypse occurs, we will build a spaceship and fly to Kepler 22b, a planet that most probably supports life as we know it. Anybody else wanna come along? We will need mass amounts of good music and cats. Ok, back on topic: Today i got up in a shit mood, went through school in a shit mood, went home in a shit mood, listened to Kreator and Slayer, got into a really good mood, played some left 4 dead with amy until steam crashed (was really fun. I love playing left 4 dead with amy), and then watched tv. Doctor who got even more awesome, x files was disgusting. In star trek, they seriously made Vulcan Zombies. vulcan. zombies. No go. Then went to bed. one inspiring quote that guided me through the day: "Urg, Bluargh, blgrglblg" -Random Zombie. 'night peoples, im probably going to sleep now.

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