Monday, February 27, 2012

Day eight - fucked up monday

Well, today there's just one thing on my mind: amy. I fucked up every chance with her i ever had. Yup. That's me. No rl friends, noone to talk to, noone to listen to me. And now i fucked up every chance i ever had with the one girl i really like. This is so typically me. Everytime something can go wrong, it goes wrong. I'll just sleep now and hope tomorrow will be better.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day seven - it's been a whole week!

Heyy! First of all, i didnt post yesterday, because i was tired and a tiny bit depressed, but im better now. Today was a really nice sunday, the weather was fantastic. This afternoon i took a fun ride on my bike (almost died) and while i was gone (just like 15-20minutes) amy thought i died. Lawl. Then i got home, played random games all afternoon, and then watched Star Trek Two - The Wrath Of Khan, awesome movie btw. After that a Doctor Who (rose saved her father from being killed.) now i'm kinda tired. Thank you all for being here for a whole week! Let's see if we can make a whole month!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Day Five - Friday

24th of February.
Today is my dad's birthday, yay.
Went to school, got back, ate lunch, waited for amy to come online.
Then Amy came online and we played some Team Fortress 2 (I really suck at TF2, btw).
Then we joined a group vid. chat with Max and some other ppls.
After that got too crowdy, me and amy went off and played Left 4 Dead, but then dad came and commanded me to sleep. 'Night everyone.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day four - back home

Today is the 23/2/2012. It's my dads birthday tomorrow, and i still dont have a gift. Today was pretty uneventful. I got up, drove to school, barely survived school and then went home. After some noodles for lunch, i went home. Did some homework, and then i had to go to the dentist. My teeth seem to be okay. When i got home it was about four, so i just listened to some music and played guitar, waiting for amy. When amy finally came, after an hour of waiting, she played TF2, so i just went to reddit /r/wtf and spent the rest of my afternoon NSFL. Somebody once told me i should read one wikipedia page a day, so i read Terry Pratchetts wikipedia,m wich was quite interesting. Then off watching TV with my dad. While watching an X-Files episode about religious mass suicide, my dad just said: "survival of the fittest". Gotta love my dad. Then we watched the first episode of a TV show called "Blue Bloods" or similar, and it was really entertaining. Tomorrow i will spend my evening playing left 4 dead with amy, yay. Tired now, good night.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

day three - wednesday

today is the 22/2/12. first of all, you should know that i have to sleep at my mums every wednesday. also, my cat lives at my mums. so, today i got up in the morning, drove my scooter to school, only to find out that i couldve slept one more hour. then, after school and shit (wrote a surprise test in physics, everyone failed), i got home. there i stayed for a short time, eating some lunch and then going to guitar class. then the interesting part of my afternoon began: finally, after not skyping for a few months, i called kent. we talked a bit about [classified], and then amy joined us. we spent a fun afternoon planning the zombie apocalypsd: as soon as the outbreak starts, im going to drive to the local gunstore and grab guns & ammo. then i will get a car, fill it with gas and gas canisters and drive to copenhagen. there, at the highest building, we will meet. from there we will go to england and pick up amy. then well head back to germany, picking up max, and go to the ramstein airbase. this is as far as we got today, then something happened (its still a mystery, and we are worrying about her), amy disappeared. we assum the outbreak has started in england and her family was one if the first infected. then i realised, we were four people during the outbreak: One metalhead (me), one cute girl (amy), one black guy (max, tho he isnt really black, he just acts as if he were) and one veteran (kent). this was my wednesday.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day two - ten months before apocalypse

Today is 21/2/12. In ten months, shit will go down. Zombies will arise. Me, max and amy have decided that when the Apocalypse occurs, we will build a spaceship and fly to Kepler 22b, a planet that most probably supports life as we know it. Anybody else wanna come along? We will need mass amounts of good music and cats. Ok, back on topic: Today i got up in a shit mood, went through school in a shit mood, went home in a shit mood, listened to Kreator and Slayer, got into a really good mood, played some left 4 dead with amy until steam crashed (was really fun. I love playing left 4 dead with amy), and then watched tv. Doctor who got even more awesome, x files was disgusting. In star trek, they seriously made Vulcan Zombies. vulcan. zombies. No go. Then went to bed. one inspiring quote that guided me through the day: "Urg, Bluargh, blgrglblg" -Random Zombie. 'night peoples, im probably going to sleep now.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Day one

Day one: Today i got up inthe morning, went to school. First i had maths, no problems there. Then swimming lessons. While i was swimming next to a friend of mine, he suddenly dropped and got dizzy. He made it to the wall and didnt drown or anything, but he was quite shocked. He stuttered something about circuiation.later, when showering after swimming, he sat down in the shower, and i feared that he wouldnt get up again. But it turned out to be all ok and we went back to school. Then history (yawn). After history, i could finally go home. Oh, and did i mention that today was the first time this year i could use my scooter to go to school? Well, anyways, after a nice and relaxing ride home (the sunlight, you wouldnt believe it!) i got home, sat down and surfed reddit while listening to blind guardian. Then lunch. Omnomnomnomnomnom. After that i spent the whole afternoon playing guitar and listening to music, waiting for amy (@iNomDinosaur) to get back from school so we could play Left 4 Dead together, but the timing didnt quite work. Then i went and watched TV. First an episode of Doctor Who, something with world war 3, then a disgusting x files episode and after that star trek enterprise. And now i'm sitting here, writing this post.