Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day four - back home

Today is the 23/2/2012. It's my dads birthday tomorrow, and i still dont have a gift. Today was pretty uneventful. I got up, drove to school, barely survived school and then went home. After some noodles for lunch, i went home. Did some homework, and then i had to go to the dentist. My teeth seem to be okay. When i got home it was about four, so i just listened to some music and played guitar, waiting for amy. When amy finally came, after an hour of waiting, she played TF2, so i just went to reddit /r/wtf and spent the rest of my afternoon NSFL. Somebody once told me i should read one wikipedia page a day, so i read Terry Pratchetts wikipedia,m wich was quite interesting. Then off watching TV with my dad. While watching an X-Files episode about religious mass suicide, my dad just said: "survival of the fittest". Gotta love my dad. Then we watched the first episode of a TV show called "Blue Bloods" or similar, and it was really entertaining. Tomorrow i will spend my evening playing left 4 dead with amy, yay. Tired now, good night.

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