Monday, February 20, 2012

Day one

Day one: Today i got up inthe morning, went to school. First i had maths, no problems there. Then swimming lessons. While i was swimming next to a friend of mine, he suddenly dropped and got dizzy. He made it to the wall and didnt drown or anything, but he was quite shocked. He stuttered something about circuiation.later, when showering after swimming, he sat down in the shower, and i feared that he wouldnt get up again. But it turned out to be all ok and we went back to school. Then history (yawn). After history, i could finally go home. Oh, and did i mention that today was the first time this year i could use my scooter to go to school? Well, anyways, after a nice and relaxing ride home (the sunlight, you wouldnt believe it!) i got home, sat down and surfed reddit while listening to blind guardian. Then lunch. Omnomnomnomnomnom. After that i spent the whole afternoon playing guitar and listening to music, waiting for amy (@iNomDinosaur) to get back from school so we could play Left 4 Dead together, but the timing didnt quite work. Then i went and watched TV. First an episode of Doctor Who, something with world war 3, then a disgusting x files episode and after that star trek enterprise. And now i'm sitting here, writing this post.

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