Wednesday, February 22, 2012

day three - wednesday

today is the 22/2/12. first of all, you should know that i have to sleep at my mums every wednesday. also, my cat lives at my mums. so, today i got up in the morning, drove my scooter to school, only to find out that i couldve slept one more hour. then, after school and shit (wrote a surprise test in physics, everyone failed), i got home. there i stayed for a short time, eating some lunch and then going to guitar class. then the interesting part of my afternoon began: finally, after not skyping for a few months, i called kent. we talked a bit about [classified], and then amy joined us. we spent a fun afternoon planning the zombie apocalypsd: as soon as the outbreak starts, im going to drive to the local gunstore and grab guns & ammo. then i will get a car, fill it with gas and gas canisters and drive to copenhagen. there, at the highest building, we will meet. from there we will go to england and pick up amy. then well head back to germany, picking up max, and go to the ramstein airbase. this is as far as we got today, then something happened (its still a mystery, and we are worrying about her), amy disappeared. we assum the outbreak has started in england and her family was one if the first infected. then i realised, we were four people during the outbreak: One metalhead (me), one cute girl (amy), one black guy (max, tho he isnt really black, he just acts as if he were) and one veteran (kent). this was my wednesday.

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